It could be that you focus on something normal, like the view out of the window, or that you pay more attention to the task at hand-getting the job! 你可以把注意力放在自然景物上&比如说窗外的景物;你也可以先关注一下你手头上的工作。
In this situation, you should add some code to set the cursor focus specifically onto the first editable object on the newly opened window. 这种情况下,应当添加一些代码来专门将光标移到新打开窗口的第一个可编辑对象上。
After performing actions in a pop-up window, focus back to the main window. 在弹出窗口中执行操作之后,焦点返回到主窗口。
Both of these GUI programs allow you to set a delay after requesting the capture so you can get focus on the right window or open menus. 这两种GUI程序都允许您在请求截图之后设置延迟,以便将焦点放在正确的窗口或打开菜单。
This allows the SendKeys command ( used later) to send synthetic X Window events to the currently in focus window. 这将允许SendKeys命令(稍后使用)把syntheticXWindow事件发送给当前持有焦点的窗口。
A more reasonable solution is to track the current window in focus and attach a single xev program to that window. 更合理的解决方案是跟踪持有焦点的当前窗口并把单个xev程序与该窗口绑定起来。
This step is key to associating the correct focus/ nonfocused data with the appropriate window name. 此步骤是将正确的焦点/非焦点数据与相应的窗口名称关联在一起的关键。
Click on this icon to show a fast view of this perspective which will disappear when the focus on the window is lost. 单击此图标,以显示此透视图的快速视图(当该窗口失去焦点时,该视图将消失)。
When the user expands the More Actions button and clicks Import Bookmarks, the figure shows that the focus is still on More Actions rather than moving onto the new window. 当用户展开MoreActions按钮并单击ImportBookmarks时,屏幕显示焦点仍在MoreActions按钮上而不是移到新窗口中。
This is a keyboard trap, because the user cannot focus on the window using the keyboard only. 这就是一个键盘陷阱,因为用户无法只用键盘就将焦点移到新窗口中。
Confusing changes in focus can happen when the user opens a new window on the top of the current one. 当用户在当前窗口之上再打开一个新窗口时,可能会对焦点变化感到疑惑。
I will also show you how to pause the game, including how to automatically pause it when the window loses focus, and how to restart the game with a countdown when the window regains focus. 我还将告诉您如何暂停游戏,包括如何在窗口失去焦点时自动暂停,以及如何在窗口重新获得焦点时通过倒计时重新启动游戏。
Junior women confided that they secretly hoped for a couple gray hairs to look more experienced, and women in focus groups agreed there is only a small window for not looking too old or too young. 年轻女性承认,她们偷偷地希望能有两三根灰白的头发,以便使自己显得更有经验。但受访女性认为,看起来不太老和不太年轻之间的余地很小。
Puts the focus on the current window. 将焦点置于当前窗口上。
This technique hat its roots in traditional desktop applications and helps the user to focus his/ her attention on the appearing window. 这个技巧在传统的桌面应用中已经根深蒂固了,它帮助用户把注意力放到出现的窗口上。
Moves the focus to the specified window. 将焦点移动到指定窗口。
Focus moves away from the activated application window when the user takes some action to change the focus or close the window. 当用户执行某个操作改变焦点或将窗口关闭时,焦点将从激活的应用程序窗口移走。
Focus one window by pressing the button on other window. 通过按另一个窗口上的按钮焦点一个窗口。
Restores normal view when you lose focus on this window. 当丢失这个窗口焦点时,恢复正常视图。
Focus opens a window for the audience to know the society and the overseas life all over the world. 《视点》栏目为您打开一扇了解世界、透视海外社会生活的窗口。
Set focus to the application window into which you want to type. 将焦点集中到您想键入的应用程序窗口。
Here is the place which Chinese financial resources focus on, even the open window linked between Beijing and the world. 这里是中国财源聚焦的焦点,更是北京与世界接轨的窗口;
This paper focus on Vehicle Routing Problem with time window constrains. A new method is established for VRP by considering actual carrying cost between distribution sites and utilizing network analysis function of GIS. 研究了具有时间窗限制的车辆路线问题,考虑配送点之间的实际运送成本,结合GIS网络分析技术,建立起一种配送车辆路线规划方法。
This article, from the aspect of VFP class teaching and intend to improve teaching effect, mainly focus on the realization of the display control about word style and word size when the main window, command window and program edit window are opened. 本文从VFP的课堂教学出发,阐述了在进入VFP后主窗口、命令窗口和程序编辑窗口按需要的字体和字号进行显示控制的实现方法,提高教学效果。
In this paper, we focus on the overhead of protocol and do partly modification, change the buffer size and send window size to decrease the time waiting for in send buffer and wait for allocating memory. 本文主要考虑的是对协议处理部分的修改,在可靠的连接的基础上可以修改缓存和发送窗口的大小,可以减少数据在缓冲区中等待发送以及等待内存分配的系统开销。
At last, the article focus on theories about using the arithmetic of equivalence difference to detect R wave, the arithmetic of window identification to detect QRS wave and the arithmetic of template comparison to detect cardiopathy. 最后,重点介绍用等值差分法、窗口识别法和模板比较法来检测心电波形中的R波、QRS复合波以及心脏疾病的理论。
In chapter 2, three experiments were designed to study the bridging inference, thematic inference and reading focus changing, using self-paced moving window techniques. 在第二章中,笔者设计了三个实验采用自定步调的移动视窗技术对阅读推理中较为重要的连接推理、主题推理和阅读焦点转换进行研究。
The auto-focusing system demonstrated in this paper is right based on CNC system. Firstly, three basic elements of auto-focusing are discussed in this paper. They are focus measure, focus window and searching strategy. 本文所阐述的自动对焦系统正是基于CNC而开发的。首先,本文讨论了自动对焦的三个基本要素,即清晰度评价函数,对焦窗口和搜索策略。
China to further focus on testing whether the securities investment funds there are two irrational investment behavior, the behavior of herd behavior and window decorations. 进一步重点检验了我国证券投资基金的是否存在两种非理性的投资行为,即羊群行为和窗饰行为。